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Online counseling: psychotherapy from your own couch

There are estimated over 600 000 mental health providers (including psychologists, counselors, clinical social workers, psychiatrists, and psychiatric nurse practitioners) in the US, and an estimated 12 percent of them provide some form of online counseling. Though the techniques have evolved over time, the format of traditional counseling has not...

Counseling Suited To Your Lifestyle

Are you as fulfilled by your relationships as you deserve to be? The quality of your relationships influences your mental health and your mental health affects your relationships. Healthy relationships require skill and careful maintenance, without which even innocuous issues can fester into serious conflicts, including resentment, criticism, defensiveness, stonewalling, and distrust. By examining your life and relationships with a counselor you can start making better decisions to direct your future, avoid potential problems, and increase your capacity for success and happiness.

I specialize in online video counseling with hetero and LGBTQ+ individuals, couples, and alternative relationships. Online counseling allows me to be accessible whenever and wherever it's convenient for you, and you can continue to see me wherever your life takes you. I work predominately with clinicians, service members, lawyers, police, creatives, techies, and other professionals, as well as expats around the world.

My style is trauma-informed and solutions-focused, so my role is to nonjudgementally help you assess your personal and professional functioning, clarify goals, identify challenges, and strengthen the skills you need to determine your own life path. The methodologies I use include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), cognitive processing therapy (CPT), dialectical-behavior therapy (DBT), emotion-focused therapy (EFT), and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy (EMDR).



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Individual and Relationship Counseling

Relationship counseling can be done with individuals, couples, or both. People seek counseling for various reasons, from resolving problems to improving their relationships. My role is to nonjudgementally help you reach your goals while avoiding harm through effective research-based strategies. Issues I help my clients with include:

  • Relationship types: monogamy, polyamory
  • Sexuality: hetero and LGBTQ+
  • Learning skills for developing successful relationships
  • Resolving relationship issues:
    • Communication
    • Conflict resolution
    • Intimacy and sex
    • Alternative sexual expressions
    • Relationship milestones (engagement, marriage, children)
    • Rekindling passions
    • Family dynamics
    • Influence of personal histories
    • Finding the right partner
    • Feelings of loneliness
    • Trust
    • Infidelity
  • The effects of mental health on individual and relationship functioning:
    • Anxiety
    • Depression
    • Adjustment disorder
    • Trauma
    • Narcissistic personality disorder
    • Asperger's / spectrum disorder

Service Members

Service members experience unique challenges throughout their deployment cycle. Online counseling can be a source of support for support for service members and their families pre-deployment, during deployment, and throughout return and reintegration. Online counseling can be ideal for service members who experience frequent deployment or travel and want to maintain a consistent relationship with counselor. Counseling can be of particular help with:

  • Preparing for transitions
  • Improving communication with family members
  • Treating mental health symptoms
    • PTSD / Trauma
    • Depression
    • Anxiety
    • Anger


An estimated 50% of expatriates experience mental health issues—a rate 2.5 times higher than American and Canadian nationals at home. Factors contributing to the mental health issues for expatriates are separation from one’s home culture and feelings of isolation.

Issues that expatriates commonly struggle with include:

  • Isolation or loneliness
  • Depression
  • Work-related anxiety
  • Stress
  • Worry
  • Indecision
  • Returning Home

Counseling with a psychotherapist from your home culture can help mitigate these factors because of a shared cultural understanding.

Features of Online Counseling


Access counseling over video, phone, email, or text from the comfort of your own home or office. Scheduling is flexible and you can make appointments online.


Your health is your business. Counseling sessions are encrypted and secure. Your information is kept confidential and is not shared without your permission.


Keep the same counselor wherever you go. Avoid having to restart treatment with a counselor if you move.


Scientific, solutions-focused interventions that reduce your symptoms and improve your functioning. Treatments updated with scientific advancements.

No Risk Trial

Free initial consultation to determine whether online counseling is right for you.

Easy Payment

Accepting credit cards and cryptocurrencies (including bitcoin, litecoin, dogecoin, and ethereum).


Access counseling over video, phone, email, or text from the comfort of your own home or office. Scheduling is flexible and you can make appointments online.


Your health is your business. Counseling sessions are encrypted and secure. Your information is kept confidential and is not shared without your permission.


Keep the same counselor wherever you go. Avoid having to restart treatment with a counselor if you move.


Scientific, solutions-focused interventions that reduce your symptoms and improve your functioning. Treatments updated with scientific advancements.

No Risk Trial

Free initial consultation to determine whether online counseling is right for you.

Easy Payment

Accepting credit cards and cryptocurrencies (including bitcoin, litecoin, dogecoin, and ethereum).


Contact Philip Kolba for a Free Consultation

You can reach out in whatever way is most convenient to you. The confidential form is the most secure means of communication, but you can also reach out by email, SMS, or phone.

We offer free 30 minute phone or video consultations to give you the opportunity to determine  the right counselor for you. We can submit claims to your insurance as out-of-network providers. For direct pay clients, we are willing to discuss a sliding scale for those experiencing financial hardships.

If you're looking for online counseling but you're looking for a counselor with a different specialty, I can connect you with associate counselors whose skills and modalities are the right fit for you. They offer the same rates and provide the same attention to your privacy, schedule, and wellbeing via online counseling. Please reach out any time to inquire about how I may support your mental health.